Environmental Assessment

Real Property Assessment

Sampling & Monitoring Services

Remediation Services

Environmental Management

Program & Project Management

Aquifer Testing/Modeling


Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I)
The Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) determines existing environmental financial liabilities resulting from past and present practices. It is a structured, phased approach to obtain the maximum amount of relevant information with minimum effort. Phase I ESAs identify potential liabilities through inspection and historical review (guided by ASTM protocols).

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase II)
Phase II ESAs are designed to determine the extent of impact to the subject site. Phase II ESAs may be initiated when a Phase I ESA or another source has identified potential concerns that require further investigation. The most common actions that instigate Phase II ESAs are real estate transactions, due diligence investigations, UST removal, facility decommissioning & site redevelopment, government compliance, or in response to a spill or leak.

Phase III Environmental Site Assessments (Phase III)
Phase III ESA activities involve the selection and implementation of remediation strategies for contaminated sites. These activities often include ongoing sampling and monitoring activities.

If remediation is required, Quest develops site-specific Remedial Action Plans (RAPs), that evaluate a range of cost effective remedial options. Every client’s requirements are unique. Quest’s professionals have an extraordinarily varied background which helps us identify the right solution for each situation, such as:

  • Physical, Chemical and Thermal processes
  • Free-Phase, Product Extraction
  • Groundwater Treatment and Disposal or Recycling
  • Soil Vapor Extraction, Bioventing, Air Sparging
  • Bioremediation, Insitu and Excavated soils
  • Engineered Wetlands/Phytoremediation

Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
Quest can provide routine inspections and maintenance on your existing remediation system equipment.  These services, including equipment correction, replacement, or repairs,  are performed on-site or, if necessary, at Quest’s facilities. Quest utilizes current technologies when feasible such as the use of on-site telemetry equipment to allow 24-hour monitoring of system performance.


Property Screening Evaluation (PSE)
A PSE is intended as a general overview of the property for significant risks. This type of evaluation is usually used by financial
institutions in order to preserve value by identifying physical risks which could result in loss of property value.

Basic Property Condition Assessments (BPCA)
A BPCA is an overall assessment of the property by a team of multidiscipline professionals.

Detailed Property Condition Assessment (DPCA)
A DPCA is an expansion of a PSE and involves a more detailed site evaluation. Results of this type of assessment can be used as the basis for establishing a building maintenance program.

Facility Closure & Reclamation Studies
Site and risk assessments are completed when closing and decommissioning a facility. We then recommend remedial solutions to be implemented in the site reclamation phase.

GeoTracker Database Management
Quest can help you in complying with California’s Geotracker requirements for your facility by compiling, maintaining, and entering your facility records in to the State database.

Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF)
The state of California has established a leaking underground fuel tank clean-up fund (USTCF) to reimburse UST owners for costs associated with the assessment and remediation of UST cases. QUEST conforms to the requirements of the USTCF and provides billing services to assure our clients that reimburstment will be provided to cover costs. Quest can prepare the initial application packages as well as complete reimbursement packages for our USTCF Clients. Call us for any help you may need and insure you maximize the the recovery of monies spent on assessment and remediation.

Underground Storage Tank Services
Geotracker Data Management:

Quest can help you in complying with California’s Geotracker requirements for your facility by compiling, maintaining, and entering your facility records in to the State database.

Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund (USTCF):
The state of California has established a leaking underground fuel tank clean-up fund (USTCF) to reimburse UST owners for costs associated with the assessment and remediation of UST cases. Quest conforms to the requirements of the USTCF and provides billing services to assure our clients that reimburstment will be provided to cover costs.  Quest can prepare the initial application packages as well as complete reimbursement packages for our USTCF Clients. Call us for any help you may need and insure you maximize the recovery of monies spent on assessment and remediation.

Project Management
Quest's management expertise is demonstrated through its successful management of many large, complex, multi-disciplinary projects which were completed on or under budget and on schedule. All of this is brought about by one goal: to provide clients with the most efficient and comprehensive solutions to their environmental and engineering needs.

Quest provides services to evaluate aquifer parameters through field pumping tests and analysis. We tailor our tests to our clients specific needs and develop defensible analyses and competent well design.  Aquifer pumping and slug tests are useful for providing information on aquifer properties that influence contaminant transport. These hydraulic parameters provide important information for selecting and designing ground water cleanup remedies and are used as input to mathematical calculations or computer models used to analyze ground water flow and contaminant transport.  Our capabilities related to aquifer test and well design include:

  • Pump & Slug Testing
  • Tracer Testing
  • Aquifer Modeling and Parameter Analysis
  • Well Design Based on Potential/Anticipated Yield